Sunday, May 2, 2010

Movie mania

I was thinking about how I was going to get my hands on copies of the movies on my list. Many of them are pretty old movies, some are even in black and white. Maybe it was luck or, more likely, my head was acting on an idea it failed to inform me of. I turned on the tv, hit the "guide" button and there in front of me was one of the movies on the list, "King Kong.". It was halfway over. But if one was playing, another movie would be playing too. Seven other movies on my list are airing in the next week. That is one movie a day (so not happening). At that rate, this movie goal will be over with the summer!
Last night I started watching "Some Like it Hot." I understand why it's been called the funniest movie of all time. The humor certainly isn't the hysterical laugh till you cry sort that you find in many recent comedies. Those moments end, the movie ends, and the viewer can recall those two or three funny moments. The rest of the movie is just ok. "Some Like it Hot" is a funny movie, line after line is humorous, giving the viewer a laugh throughout the movie (at least through what I have seen thus far). The movie is filmed in black and white. Marilyn Monroe plays the leading lady "Sugar Cane".
I am excited to watch my list of moves. It's starting out well.