Tuesday, July 13, 2010

adding one more

Well, its been awhile. Moving certainly creates chaos. I'm back and I have another goal to add to my list.

After a long night of not sleeping well and a conversation with my mom, I am adding to my list the goal to write, freelance, for pay. I see three steps to this. One, to write. I am already doing that here; what I need to be doing is writing, anywhere, on a consistent, DAILY basis. Which means I have yet to actually accomplish step one. Anyway, step two is to find someone who needs a writer, to pay or not. Believe it or not, I have already identified such a someone: my church. I am so excited to report that I've already sent an email off to the "newsletter editor." Hoping to get a reply soon.... Next and final step is to find someone who will pay me for my work. Realistically, I feel, this step is a while off from happening. I like to feel prepared and here, it means, to me, that I have some pieces that are more than just blog entries and little essays and stories I've written for myself. Basically the being prepared part is covered by step two, volunteering my services and abilities.

A goal isn't a goal unless it has a deadline, a specific moment when you have either accomplished your goal or you have missed it. My deadline is Christmas morning, 8am, 2010. Why? Well, the sign I've accomplished this goal is that I will have had some Christmas gift paid for in some way, big or small, by my writing.

While I'm here, I might as well update on the other 8 goals.

Piles. After moving, I'm not sure if the number of piles have decreased, are still in boxes, are now hidden in cabinets, or are simply more spread out and so they feel like less in number. I think the piles have decreased but I didn't do anything to cause the decline.

110. Ha. There was about a month in time where the number was dwindling, and then I sort of stopped and the number...surprise...increased. Back to where I started, but with hopes and a plan to get back down.

measurements. Um...again, not going too well. I haven't measured myself in a few months. My clothes still fit the same-ish which would suggest that I haven't gained massively. Again, working on it.

Scrapbook. damn, I'm not doing well here. Scrapbooking seems like a never ending pit. I now have a space designated to scrapbooking 100%. I share a small desk with a 5yo who enjoys cutting foam and paper into little schnibbly bits and gluing those bits to more bits of foam and paper. Nothing is organized and only a few pages have been completed since the move and addition of designated space.

Eat healthier. This one I've done!! Its amazing what a grill, outdoor patio, and farmer's market can do for you diet. Both Todd and I have commented that we have been eating better in the new house. In the month and a half we have been here, I have opened a bag of instant side type pasta or rice once. Todd has caved in twice more. Still, not bad. Fresh veggies abound on our dinner table. I have even started to "create" my own little dishes...ones that Todd (my intimidating Chef) has asked me to make again!! Shall I share?
Potato Hash
You will need:
potatoes(one large potato is enough for the two of us to eat a generous portion)
1 onion, chopped (I've used red and I've used yellow. you will only need a handful)
Bacon, diced into bits
olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
Here's what you do. Dice the potatoes into cubes. Try to cut equal sized pieces to aid in uniform cooking (See what living with a chef can teach you!). Heat the grill to about 300 (or so I make this on the grill to aid in multitasking (I can grill the meat and veggies while I watch the potatoes) and also because when I made these on the stove inside, the potatoes turned out a little mushy, without the nice crisp of the grill. Take a large piece of tinfoil and fold into thirds to create a triple layer sheet of foil. Then fold along each edge to create a lip. (We are making a disposable pan. If you would prefer, use a regular pan and wash it or you can purchase one of those aluminum disposable pans.) Put the pan on the grill to get hot. Toss the potato pieces in olive oil to coat. Salt and Pepper to taste. Put potatoes into the pan and close the lid. Occasionally open up the grill and move the potatoes around a bit to make sure they haven't stuck to the pan. As the potatoes start to cook (soften) toss in the bacon and onions. Continue to cook the potatoes/onion/ bacon with the grill lid shut, checking on them occasionally. Here's what I learned, by closing the lid on the grill, you are turning it into a multitasking genius. Not only will it sear, but it also becomes an oven, with the lid shut. Heat is trapped inside just like the oven in your house but the heat stays outside! (I may be getting overly excited by this little seemingly obvious revelation.) This is why you can cook chicken on the grill outside but inside, after creating grill marks on a grill top, you have to then put it in the oven. Ok, back to the recipe. The potatoes will be done when two things happen: 1)the bacon is done to your liking. and 2)the potatoes are done to your liking. I prefer my bacon to be crispier than not and my potatoes to be soft.
Save $1,000. This one I can happily say is happening too. Todd and I are planning a secret trip to Walt Disney World this December. Obviously money needs to be saved for that. I am so excited for this upcoming trip, and I know Todd is too. He talks about it already, and its only JULY!
Watch my list of movies. Not going well. Sadly, during an argument, I deleted Survivor from the dvr in the bedroom, just to stick it to him. (It was recorded downstairs too so it wasn't like he was missing out on anything.) He responded by deleting all the movies and shows I had already recorded on the dvr. I haven't gone onto the dvr search to find any more movies on the list. Sadly, some of the movies are truly quite boring.
And that brings us to present day.