Thursday, September 16, 2010

technology strikes!

So this Goals list isn't going too well. To start with, I just don't keep them at the front of my mind. So many other things seem to be crowding that space. You know, the feeling that you are supposed to be doing something but you just can't think of it right now, though you can think of about 10 other things at that moment, none of which have an relevance to right now. Things need to learn their place in my head!

This sleep thing, wow does it need to chill out. I was going to say give it a rest but the irony just isn't funny right now. I've spent my "productive time" at work for the last three days but now that I am actually in a nice location to use my "productive time," I just want to sleep! The rain isn't helping, I know. Because of the rain, my laundry is just sitting in the basket, waiting to be dried. A dryer would be nice right about now. And I know why pioneer women gave each member of the house only a few outfits. Laundry would be life consuming!

Which brings me to what I've been thinking about lately. Has the advance of technology allowed us to do more, or has is prevented us from accomplishing things because it overloads us with things to do?

Personally, I think it is the second one. More thoughts on it after a nap!