Sunday, August 29, 2010

technology and the modern age

I think I was born at the wrong time. I'm not talking about the wrong hour, I'm referring to the wrong decade, century, era.

When I was in Jr High, an older high school friend became a sort of mentor to me and took me under her wing. One summer, we volunteered together as guides at The Galloway House, a historical property with a huge house on the property along with various other buildings that were either already there or moved and placed on the property.
Our favorite place to sit was the General Store/Post office. It had a huge porch and two chairs, perfect for the two of us. We dressed in period clothing and each had a basket of yarn to crochet and knit with. Those were some of my favorite days. It was all about pretending to be in a different world.
I loved it.

Then I grew up and the responsibilities of cleaning the house, cooking, errands, bills, and kids took over.

But...those pioneer women had all those responsibilities too. And so did the women of the Victorian era, immigrant women also had jobs, WWII moms had jobs and husbands and sons overseas...

Seems to me that if I wanted to embrace the better parts of the past, the present is the best time to do it.

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