Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm adding a new goal

Yes, I'm adding a new goal. I was looking through IMDb's list of the top 250 films ever. It was horrible. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was not on it at all. Lord of the Rings was on it twice, in the top 20. I was so outraged; the search for a real list began. I found three. One was the AFI's top 100 in 100 years list. There are two of those, the original and the 10th anniversary list. I also found another list compiled by movie critics. I decided to include this movie list as well because it included many of the same movies from AFI's lists, as well as adding a few more. I know that choosing the top 100 movies of all time is a daunting task that is completely open to criticism. Toy Story made it onto AFI's anniversary list. While I admit that it is a classic, and that it was a piece of movie magic in regards to computer animation, as well as having a great story, I am not sure it belongs on the top 100 movies of all time list. Back to the Future isn't on the list.
Regardless of what is or isn't on the list, I am certain that the movies that are on the list are good and worth seeing. My goal is to watch all of the movies on these three lists. of course there are not 300 movies for me to watch, many appear on two or all three lists. It also helps that I have seen some of these movies already. Here is the list:

2001: A Space Odyssey
42nd Street (1933)
12 Angry Men (seen it)

The African Queen
All About Eve
All the President's Men
All Quiet on the Western Front
American Graffiti
An American in Paris
Annie Hall
The Apartment
Apocalypse Now

The Best Years of Our Lives
The Birth of a Nation
Blade Runner
Bonnie and Clyde
Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Bringing Up Baby
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Citizen Kane
City Lights
A Clockwork Orange (seen it)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Crowd (1928)

Dances with Wolves (seen it)
The Deer Hunter
Dr. Strangelove (seen it)
Doctor Zhivago
Do the Right Thing
Double Indemnity
Duck Soup

Easy Rider
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (seen it)

Fantasia (seen it)
Forrest Gump (seen it)
The French Connection
From Here to Eternity

The General
The Godfather (seen it)
The Godfather Part II (seen it)
The Gold Rush
Gone with the Wind
The Graduate
The Grapes of Wrath
Greed (1924)
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

High Noon
His Girl Friday (1940)

It Happened One Night
It's a Wonderful Life
In the Heat of the Night

The Jazz Singer

King Kong

The Lady Eve (1941)
The Last Picture Show
Lawrence of Arabia
Letter From an Unknown Woman (1948)
The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring (seen it)

The Magnificent Ambersons (1942)
The Maltese Falcon
The Manchurian Candidate
Meet Me In St. Louis (1944)
Midnight Cowboy
Modern Times
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Mutiny on the Bounty
My Darling Clementine
My Fair Lady (seen it)

A Night at the Opera
The Night of the Hunter
North by Northwest

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
On the Waterfront
Out Of The Past

Paths of Glory
A Place in the Sun (seen it)
The Philadelphia Story
Psycho (seen it)
Pulp Fiction (seen it)

The Quiet Man

Raging Bull
Raiders of the Lost Ark (seen it)
Rear Window
Rebel Without a Cause
Red River
Roman Holiday

Saving Private Ryan (seen it)
Schindler's List
The Searchers
The Shawshank Redemption
The Silence of the Lambs (seen it)
Singin' in the Rain
The Sixth Sense (seen it)
The Sound of Music (seen it)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (seen it)
Some Like It Hot
Sophie’s Choice
A Star Is Born
Star Wars (seen it)
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (seen it)
A Streetcar Named Desire
Sullivan’s Travels
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
Sunset Boulevard
Swing Time

Taxi Driver
The Third Man
Titanic (seen it)
Top Hat (1935)
To Kill a Mockingbird
Touch Of Evil (1958)
Toy Story (seen it)
The Treasure of the Sierra MadreTrouble in Paradise (1932)



West Side Story (seen it)
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
The Wild Bunch
The Wizard of Oz (seen it)
Wuthering Heights

Yankee Doodle Dandy

I know that this is a list of 147 movies, but, I have seen 26 of them (if I counted correctly). Plus, I love old movies. I'm very excited about this one.

Friday, April 23, 2010

not as easy as I would like it to be

This is just not easy. And quite obviously, if it were, well, I would have done it already.

I went to the gym Wednesday. It was a light work out. My abs hurt so much when I got down to do those crunches from the trainer. (I just did 5 more, they still hurt.) On the positive side, the pain is right where the pudge is. You know that spot, right below the belly button that seems to hold onto fat like its made of gold. Oh if only. I asked Todd, how long is it going to hurt like this? Apparently, I am stuck with the pain until those muscles "get used to" the movement.
Quite possibly, it is my desire to force summer, warm weather, shorts and tank tops, and swimming upon the Midwest, that is causing such a time crunch panic inside my head. Or possibly is it doubt in myself that come summer, warm weather, shorts and tank tops, and swimming I will not have these amazing abs I so desire. Lets be realistic here, my goal was fall sometime (its written down, why do I have to keep every exact date in my head!?!?) not June.
Quite possibly, I need a tighter time frame to get where I want to get. I need more trips to the gym. I need more moments on the floor lifting my legs to meet my raised arms. I need more veggies, less, well, less processed. I need a sooner date. I need to know what is realistic and what I really need to be doing to get there.
Happiness is knowing who can help me. And with that, I am going to finish up my crunches.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Getting moving

Time is this crappy thing. Sometimes it moves too quickly, sometimes too slowly. But usually not the speed you want it to move.
I am in a weird anxious mood. I have nothing to do and want to do it quickly. A lot of my feeling, I think is because I have things to say, things I want to accomplish, but they take so long to do, the words are so hard to start saying. And there are just too many thoughts in my head, with no one to share them with!
This weather is affecting me. It is spring, was warm and now cool, nothing going on, nothing to go do!

Wow, how silly of me. I am sitting here (really, I am sitting) wallowing because I want to go exercise, move my body, but know that it isn't going to happen because someone won't ride her little bike long enough to make it worth it. And I realize now that we had plans to go for a hike! It's not too warm that we will be sweating, but it really isn't cold enough that we can't be outside. Nothing a sweatshirt won't fix.
Sometimes I think I just need to be reminded what I need to slow down. I can't rush to January 15th because there is so much to do in the months inbetween now and that date. There is SO much to do. How can I say that I have nothing to do? Amazing what a different perspective can do to the same situation. One paragraph I am all crabby because the day doesn't have enough progress in it, the weight isn't coming off fast enough, the tape measure isn't measuring small enough, the scrapbook isn't full enough, and the savings account is empty. But, then I realize that I can work on my goals now, today, and suddenly things are enough, because I am mere weeks into my goals, I have 8 some months to complete these goals. I cannot have unrealistic exspectations of my progress!!
Time, is time the enemy or the helping friend?

Friday, April 9, 2010

A little help from above

How amazing is this. I've been seeing a chiropractor for about a month now. I originally went to him for a post snowboard season check up. After doing some online research via the practice's website, I decided to ask about my jaw pain(I've had TMJ since September of 2006). I am so happy to say that my lower back, middle back, neck and jaw are all feeling so very much better. Now, the good doc says, it's time to turn more attention to strengthening those muscles. And, he notes, a strong core means a strong body. I am ushured to the "gym" area equipted with a stationary bike, table for stretching, and (oh!) stability balls. 5 exercises later, I an equipted with the information I was already looking for to get those hot, tight, trim abs I listed in my goals. Divine guidance? Really I don't care. I am just excited to have some instruction.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

a letter to my body

Dear Body,
Thank you for the 24 years of wear and tear you pushed through, for the times I have pushed you too far, left you without enough sleep and nutrients, and ignored your cries of pain. It was wrong. Thank you for the 24 years of strength, determination, and persistence. You work so hard for me.
I want to make a promise to you. I promise that I will be more conscious of what I am giving you to work it. I will eat more good things and less bad things (sorry but I have to give the tongue what it wants too so good tasting food, even if it isn't good for me is still going in. You know that if the tongue were to get angry about missing out on all the good food I would blame you; not taking the blame for that one! And so I'm not going to give it up completely. Hope you understand.) I will also give you more sleep. This will not be easy. Many people are demanding of me (work, kid, man, family...). I am demanding of me. My mind likes to stay sharp, my soul needs to stay peaceful, and my hands must be busy. Since we like to stay busy, it should be OK, but I promise to keep you well rested. It is not fair for me to demand that you work 4 days a week, keep up with laundry, pick up the house, and don't forget how much I like to walk. So I will be making an effort to give you more sleep to work with.
You probably don't need to be carrying around this extra few pounds on your tummy and in between your legs either. That is just more work for you to do. I know how it is to do work only to see that someone else has created more work for you, all without much thanks. (thank you!) I will try VERY HARD to not stuff you full. (Blame the tongue again!) Since you don't need any extra work, I will try to get rid of those extra few pounds, maybe I can burn the fat and increase the muscle so you can have more help!
I will create more balance for you. I know which muscles need some strengthening and which ones need rest. I know when I need more sleep (thanks for all the signals) and I know when I need to get up and move! Because you work so hard, you give me so much, you ask so little, and you sacrifice beyond anything I might be willing to give up.
But just so you know, creating balance will require a little bit from you too. You will get tired but I need you to keep pushing. you will get sore but we need to recover quickly. I promise to take care of the pain I can help but some, like the burn of muscles being worked, I can do nothing about. Help me to push through it. There will be days when we are exhausted from working but help me by mustering more energy to get to the gym or go for a walk. We can do this, but I need your help!

(I saw this idea in a magazine. By speaking to my body as my partner through life rather than just something to improve or show off, I feel for it. I have realized just how selfish my actions towards my body have been. I have different motivations to eat healthy, to exercise regularly, to get in shape. In doing this I create a stronger me; my heart is healthier, my bones stronger and more protected, my immune system stronger, my brain shaper. I have more energy to do the things I enjoy doing, I am happier. )

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

goals for the year

I have been making my to-do list for 2010. It is mostly organizing and cleaning. But it also includes finishing a few scrapbooks I am behind on, eating healthier, exercising regularly, and trimming down. Most of these are pretty typical new year resolutions. Since we all know how resolutions usually turn out, I'm anticipating some obstacles on my way to completing these goals.
In the past few years I have learned a few things about goals and goal settings. The first is that a goal needs to be specific. I need to define my trimming down goal to specific measurements and weight. This makes tracking possible. And tracking your goal is important. Kids love to see progress and, quite honestly, so do adults. Not only does tracking allow us to celebrate our successes by allowing us to see our progress but it also enables us to see what is left. I admit, too eagerly, that I wonder "are we there yet?" too often. Knowing that there is an end, knowing that I have made progress, and most importantly knowing when I am almost there help me to accomplish my goal.
The second thing I know about goals is that I need to create a very specific end date. For me, my end goal date, for all my goals is midnight of January 15, 2011. Just as I am aided by knowing my progress, I am also aided by knowing just how much time is left.
And the third thing I know about goals is that they need to be realistic. I don't expect to clean the house in an hour (wouldn't that be nice!). Nor do I expect it to take 7 days to clean the house (OK, it might take that long...).
So here are my goals for 2010, the be completed by midnight of January 15, 2011.
1. No more piles! I firmly believe that all the piles are because there is stuff without a place; without a place for it to belong, it just piles up. So really, my first goal is that everything has a place within our home. revised 1. no item without a place to belong
2. 110. I have only ever weighed 110lb as I was passing through to 115-120 which is where I have been for the past 5 years. As of 3/29 I was 117.
3. My measurements. Since I am not sure what would be my measurements in correct proportions, I'm going to go by pattern size measurements. I cannot change my back waist length so that it the measurement I am using to indicate where my remaining measurements should be. According to my back waist measurement I am a size 10 pattern. This means my waist should be at 25 inches, my hip at 34.5, and my bust at 32.5. I want my thighs to be at 18 and my arms to be at 9. Because I want a flat stomach, I am also going to measure my tummy, just below my bellybutton. I am not very sure how much that measurement will correlate to my waist measurement since my hip bone is right there. So I sucked it in and wrapped the tape measure around my tummy to where I thought was OK. I got 28. This may change to less if I find its not what I want. Big surprise, my thighs and tummy have the most to loose.
4. catch up on scrapbooks. Here are the albums that need to be started/finished: Disney 2008, Christmas 2009, the 2008 album, 2009 album, and 2010 album. Since 2010 will barely be finished on January 15 2011, it only needs to be completed through October 31.
5. Eat healthier. I do not want to give up sweets. I love sweets. But what I do want to do is have healthy snacks on hand; Apple slices and peanut butter are better than peanut butter cups! Eating out is not as healthy as creating a delicious meal at home. (Its cheaper too!) For dinner, I want to start with cooking once a week. By January, my goal is to be cooking 5 times a week (one day off for going out if we want, and a second day off for family dinner nights.)
6. Exercise. I know that going to the gym every day is unrealistic. But i do know that i can make going for a half hour minimum walk twice a week is realistic. During the warm months I can walk outside, during the colder times of the years, I can walk on the treadmill at the gym. In addition, I know that I can make some sort of weight training part of my day 5 times a week. I want to have this goal in place by October 31, 2010. This way, I know that it will be a routine by January 15.
7. Have $1,000 saved. You know, just for the heck of it.

So far, that's all the goals I have. I will probably be adding more, even though I think that these goals are enough!