Friday, April 23, 2010

not as easy as I would like it to be

This is just not easy. And quite obviously, if it were, well, I would have done it already.

I went to the gym Wednesday. It was a light work out. My abs hurt so much when I got down to do those crunches from the trainer. (I just did 5 more, they still hurt.) On the positive side, the pain is right where the pudge is. You know that spot, right below the belly button that seems to hold onto fat like its made of gold. Oh if only. I asked Todd, how long is it going to hurt like this? Apparently, I am stuck with the pain until those muscles "get used to" the movement.
Quite possibly, it is my desire to force summer, warm weather, shorts and tank tops, and swimming upon the Midwest, that is causing such a time crunch panic inside my head. Or possibly is it doubt in myself that come summer, warm weather, shorts and tank tops, and swimming I will not have these amazing abs I so desire. Lets be realistic here, my goal was fall sometime (its written down, why do I have to keep every exact date in my head!?!?) not June.
Quite possibly, I need a tighter time frame to get where I want to get. I need more trips to the gym. I need more moments on the floor lifting my legs to meet my raised arms. I need more veggies, less, well, less processed. I need a sooner date. I need to know what is realistic and what I really need to be doing to get there.
Happiness is knowing who can help me. And with that, I am going to finish up my crunches.

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