Monday, April 19, 2010

Getting moving

Time is this crappy thing. Sometimes it moves too quickly, sometimes too slowly. But usually not the speed you want it to move.
I am in a weird anxious mood. I have nothing to do and want to do it quickly. A lot of my feeling, I think is because I have things to say, things I want to accomplish, but they take so long to do, the words are so hard to start saying. And there are just too many thoughts in my head, with no one to share them with!
This weather is affecting me. It is spring, was warm and now cool, nothing going on, nothing to go do!

Wow, how silly of me. I am sitting here (really, I am sitting) wallowing because I want to go exercise, move my body, but know that it isn't going to happen because someone won't ride her little bike long enough to make it worth it. And I realize now that we had plans to go for a hike! It's not too warm that we will be sweating, but it really isn't cold enough that we can't be outside. Nothing a sweatshirt won't fix.
Sometimes I think I just need to be reminded what I need to slow down. I can't rush to January 15th because there is so much to do in the months inbetween now and that date. There is SO much to do. How can I say that I have nothing to do? Amazing what a different perspective can do to the same situation. One paragraph I am all crabby because the day doesn't have enough progress in it, the weight isn't coming off fast enough, the tape measure isn't measuring small enough, the scrapbook isn't full enough, and the savings account is empty. But, then I realize that I can work on my goals now, today, and suddenly things are enough, because I am mere weeks into my goals, I have 8 some months to complete these goals. I cannot have unrealistic exspectations of my progress!!
Time, is time the enemy or the helping friend?

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